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  • Pet dental care and oral health are key to keeping them happy and healthy. The right diet, water and enrichment can help, as can daily brushing (species-dependent!)

  • Information about post-operative care from what to expect after a sedation or general anaesthetic, discharge from the clinic and what to prepare at home.

  • Information to help you to prepare for a pet’s visit that requires a sedation or general anaesthetic.

  • Although we cannot walk you through the specifics of surgery here, we can give you an idea of what we are talking about with certain terminology, how we decide when to perform surgery, and what some of the common risks are.

  • Answers to questions you may have about pet euthanasia and how we can help

  • Witnessing an animal having seizures can be a distressing experience, especially if it is happening for the first time or you are seeing it for the first time.

  • Psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) is a disease of parrot species that is lifelong and carries wide implications for the health of the affected bird, as well as those sharing the environment both at the time and in the future.

  • We can conduct and analyse many lab test onsite, reducing the time you have to wait for results. Read more about different lab tests and how, why and when we use them.

  • When you have a sick pet, it may be that we suggest some diagnostic tests to try to confirm or rule out certain conditions. Diagnostic imaging is one of the options, depending on the case.