This post tells you about all the essentials for keeping terrapins and turtles – housing, environment, light, heating, water and enrichment
A suitable food source for your pet’s species
Please check the nutritional requirements of your pet carefully or contact us for advice. Diets should be varied: feeding prawns every day is both a nutritionally deficient diet in many cases and also provides too much fat. Terrapins and turtles often have specific taste preferences, so try to provide as many natural foods that would be available to that species in the wild as you can. Providing a good quality diet is provided, supplements should not be required in these species.
Water quality must be kept at a high level for these species, which means regular water quality testing should be performed
Ensure that you provide the correct water type for your species – salt water turtles will not survive in fresh water for long and vice versa. Water sources should be well oxygenated and kept clean from food debris. It is a good idea to feed your terrapin or turtle in a separate container to the living space if possible. This so that the permanent water source remains clean and the feeding tank can be thoroughly cleaned. If this is not possible, ensure that your pet is not over-fed – surplus food will start to degrade and bacteria and fungi will accumulate in the water.
Space to exercise
Terrapins and turtles can travel large distances on a daily basis in the wild depending on the species, so exercise is extremely important. They should have plenty of space to swim. If the housing is not large enough to allow exercise, provisions should be made for supervised exercise sessions in warm areas elsewhere on a daily basis.
Environmental enrichment
Hides are essential for your pet to allow them to relax and feel secure. Try to make the vivarium environment as close to the natural environment as possible.
This should be provided to the water for those species that need a warmer water climate. A water-safe thermometer should be used to ensure the temperature is constant. A dry area should be provided that your tortoise or terrapin can easily access via a ramp, and this area should be heated with a heat bulb so that your pet can bask. Bulbs should be covered with a guard to prevent your pet from sustaining thermal burns. Pay particular care to ensure that and any wires are well away from any water sources. Heat mats and other supplementary heating items should not be used. Heat and light sources should be separate to allow heating without lighting the area over night.
Ultraviolet light
This should be provided for all species and tank lighting is readily available from many pet shops. UV bulbs should be replaced every 6 months. UV light must be available whilst your pet is eating and digesting but should be turned off over night.
Safety from predators, including your pets, at all times
Never leave your pet open to attacks from a dog or cat that decides to go fishing! Tanks should be secure at all times, including the basking area.
Regular health care
We recommend six monthly check-ups for terrapins and turtles to keep up-to-date with their general health. If you notice any change in your pet, please bring them for a check-up as soon as possible.